Thursday, March 15, 2007


So, there are some things to chew over in some of your comments. Thanks. Is that the Andrew, of the long-trip-to-Utrecht-on-a-bumpy-ferry?

Today has been really interesting. Reading. Thinking.

Here are some more things I like:

*wrap around verandas & decks
*24 hour coffee places
*cup holders
*wide streets
*Schnauzer dogs
*cards in the post
*big tankards of water
*a lady called Dixie, who gave me an unsolicited hug and made my day
*chicken fried rice
*dill pickles
*my grandpa is addicted to murder programmes on TV. It makes me laugh.

Here are some other things I've noticed: I become numb really easily.

Here are some things to pray for, if you don't mind:
-my mum's pre-operative meetings and surgery on Friday
-my second cousin, missionary, being evacuated because people broke into his house to kill them yesterday

Here are some things I think:

1. Pacifism is not an easy option. Nor does violence appear to be redemptive, ever. The question you pose about the second world war is interesting, but not simple. What do we do with that?

2. I think that the idea of new monastic communities which is around right now seems quite compelling to me. People who take various vows - not the old ones - in order to shape their lives together. They also eat together three times a week. Interesting concepts. They don't 'go to church' they consider themselves missionaries and gather once a month as a wider community

3. I just read a chapter in a book called "Jesus is not my boyfriend." The author put his finger on something that has bothered me for a long time about some of the songs that we sing. He suggests that a lot of Christian music has 'bought into' the empire's norms. Interesting. He especially targets Delirious.


Blogger siro said...

Utrecht maybe, not sure about the bumpy ferry... I am getting old though. It could be another Andrew/long trip/ferry... this email address might give you a clue though feel free to shoot an email if you wish.

sometimes i wish there were more absolutes, i think it would be easier...

5:18 am  
Blogger siro said... other thing, i read another rather controversial blog (in Naz circles) and some say heretical. Although I don't subscribe to all of its values it really has challenged me to think about the authenticity of my Christian walk. check it out an interesting read - especially for an non-theologian like me

Andrew F

5:30 am  
Blogger Knights @ not so round table said...

Excuse my ignorance but what are dill pickles?

2:14 pm  
Blogger iuls said...

Can you send me some info/websites/books on this new monastic community idea? Am re-reading Lenten sections of A Cloister Walk. Lou and I have been talking about painting our own icons - as meditation, interesting thought n'est pas?
Also, check out my new blog (this way poor G doesn't have to take the brunt of my big mouth as being his as well) :)
I've posted our dialogue for starters.

2:20 pm  

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