Wednesday, March 15, 2006

rushed and random

Well, I am snatching fifteen minutes to 'blog' - which I suppose is often really a stream of consciousness type of affair!

At the beginning of the week I thought it was going to be one of THOSE weeks! But, actually, it has been a mix. I set fire to soup (best not asking really), Andrew's bike was stolen, the replacement soup we made was rank, (:(), and so far, no climbing...
On the other hand, Andrew got into his module (hoorah!), our pregnant-asylum lady was rehoused, we had a really good pastoral team meeting, our church will hopefully making a difference (and on ALL FM this Friday's news) with a 24/7 prayer & vigil next week (the police know as well :-)), and I just survived my first meeting as PST dept. head. Phew.

Again on the other hand though, it's District Assembly weekend. I am torn. I want very, very much to not go. I don't want to let people down, not do my duty, and so, I want to go. Hmm. I'll use this blog as a confession, shall I? I am not at all sure about structure - I am not at all sure about the way we make decisions, and I am not always very sure about the decisions that we make. I love our DS however, and there are often times for friends to catch up, and for the CHURCH to be together in some way, but so often that way makes God seem small. ... But still, the jury is in: I would rather not go, but I will. So, now that challenge is to go with a good and gracious attitude. I've now moved from the confession, to plea - for prayers I suppose.

One of our friends sent a really thought provoking exploration of holiness, and the notion of journey. An area that I find endlessly fascinating. The tension between our expectations, conformity, understanding of holiness, personal & corporate aspects, all are fascinating to think through, and challenging to put into practice.

And, at the same time of thinking about holiness I am reading a book that reminds me of the unholy alleigance I offer to money, and those kind of things... So, there we have it.

What else? got a new fish tank (with a filter) and socrates is really happy in it. Discovered some of the iniquities of the benefits system, found no time for Phd, (I know, I know, why am I blogging then? Because in 20 minutes I can't even begin to PhD well... it is an art I need to learn), listened to some new-to-me music, and celebrated with friends on the birth of a baby (Ian & Carolyn's latest), the arrival of visas (people we'll miss), and the completion of an interview (Sue and Iulia). That's all for now folks.


Blogger iulia and geordan said...

On holiness journeys- am reading 'The Cloister Walk' by Kathleen Norris. Its a protestant poet's perspective and journey on her 9 month life in a Benedictine monastary. Their focus on reading and praying the Psalms together 3 times a day seems to her a very EARTHY path to holiness. Theres so much human angst in the Psalms, and yet such healthy, holy resolutions. (Great read- and actually quite devotional. I'm thinking next Fflad-y-brenin should be a benedictine week :)) Making me think more about the very human aspect of the journey to holiness and the understanding our Father has for our very human graspings of it.

1:03 pm  
Blogger Knights @ not so round table said...

Hmm understand the District Assembly feelings. It works but it doesn't. Clive once showed us a sawn tree stump which had a lovely green shoot growing out of it. Detached from the main tree and unaware that it was no longer drwaing nutrients from the earth.
Structures & rules are good but...

1:31 pm  
Blogger Matthew Francis said...

Can you say hello to Clive for me?

9:43 pm  
Blogger erdreid said...

Socrates is so happy. I will say hi to clive, I am about to endure the assembly, and I like the Cloister Walk as well - have you read her book on Grace?

11:57 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would you want to miss an opportunity to show off how good your church is doing and tell jokes?

5:43 pm  
Blogger Pete said...

Hey, does Andy leave his bike outdoors, well I guess I should have phrased that question in the past tense, but what I mean is, would you like a 'Brute Force' anchor lock, you drill it into concrete and can chain things to it, I have one for my motorcycle that you guys can have, for when he gets a new bike, I'm coming up tomorrow to Manchester and I'll bring it with me, actually I'll probably see you with it before you read this.. Anyway, Hi!!

PS, hehe

6:38 pm  
Blogger Jenks said...

Socrates will make a new friend this week, Eric, who is a Survivor. (9 years old) Hope the move will not disturb him too much!

6:47 pm  

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