Thursday, March 02, 2006

The breath of God...

The imposition of the ashes was last night. I found it a profoundly moving service (I think it was for almost everyone). I was struck by the great equalising of our faith, as father knelt before son, as husband knelt before wife, as people from different races knelt before one another. Very moved.

We heard this from Theophilus of Antioch:

God has given to the earth the breath which feeds it. It is his breath that gives life to all things and if he were to hold his breath, everything would be annihilated. His breath vibrates in yours, in your voice. It is the breath of God that you breathe - and you are unaware of it.

The crocuses and snowdrops are up - though today we had snow! I love this time of year - and the cold, crisp days. I wandered around the estate yesterday afternoon, and went to visit people. It was really fascinating the lives that people live. A woman I'm very fond of told me that one of her sons had 'looked like Donald Duck when he came out - honestly Dee, I love him, but ~*!"$ he was ugly'... the poor lad! She also asked me about 'being religious.' I often think of the estate as a good example of a place where we have to be rooted for the long-haul. There are no quick solutions really. No easy answers. Challenging to theology, methinks.

Have been PhDing today - not very well, since somehow I've lost my chapter. Yes, THE CHAPTER. I hope it is at home on that pen doodah, but in the meantime I've been reading Wesley... he is pithy, and surprisingly makes me laugh.

These days we've been able to catch up with some friends - not as much as we'd like. Louise has moved out, which means no more late night DVDS :-( But she's not very far, so maybe we can still do something... I sense that we need to somehow change time, so that it goes more slowly! It is hard to believe it is March.

Climbing has been okay for me [stop reading now if you want to avoid the technical stuff] (A top-rope 5+ with relative ease, and I've been leading 5s), but Andrew has been frustrated by an enormously long lead-climb... but completes 6a#s with no hassle on a top rope). I've recently discovered though that on the very long lead-climbing walls I suddenly have a VERY IRRATIONAL, but extrememly violent, fear reaction. I almost have to stop climbing, and then talk myself through it. It's completely about confidence and the mind. But OH MY, my mind is stubborn! (I know, I know, you know that!)

And so... back to work!


Blogger Jamie, Julie-Ann, Emily, Joel and Seth said...

Hope you found the chapter ok!
I totally agree with the time thing. Hope catching up with friends comes along more frequently too!

9:55 pm  
Blogger Matthew Francis said...

Wesley IS funny. Do you remember his Journal when he had that bizarre hydrocele drained after causing him extreme pain for months, and then he woke up the next day feeling fit as a fiddle?

8:13 pm  

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