Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Nutcracker & the rest

The days rush by. It is a beautiful, crisp spring day, the crocuses are out... snow-drops are coming, and the back of winter seems to be broken (not the nicest expression ever, as I think about it!). Still, I love days like this.

A quick review of life:

Last night Helen & I went to the ballet - The Nutcracker, by Grigorovich, danced beautifully by a Moldovan company. It was truly beautiful- the strength & grace of the dancers was moving - and the perfect syncronisation of the pairs was incredible. It made me think a lot about the discipline that leads to instances of grace - the latter only possible because of the former.

This is a week for going out - on Tuesday my mum (ably assisted by dad) made a delicious meal - chicken breast en crout, asparagas spears, new potatoes, harvard beets, oh my, the table was groaning!! There was an interesting group there: Pete & Sue, Davide & Tanya, Andrew & I, mum and dad - and we talked for hours about all kinds of things - especially grace & holiness, and the communit(ies) of faith that we are a part of. It was really healthy to just spend time talking.

And... let me see - I've finished Orpan's Snow. And am reading Jon Snow's autobiography - he is a REALLY travelled and quite fascinating man. He keeps being rather brutally honest about the UK/US/West complicity and duplicity in world affairs going badly wrong... I'm re-reading The Fionavar Tapestry and, inspired by my brother am also rereading Augustine's Confessions. I am also grappling with Living Prayer - by Metropolitan Anthony. I can hardly read it - it convicts me, moves me, challenges me, so.

My fingers are sore today, so I imagine the spelling in this is all crook - but we've been back lead climbing. AND, I've progressed to 5+ on the top rope. Yesterday I made one by using my head to wedge myself in a corner while I blindly groped around behind me with my right foot. Oh for the video!

I can't think of much else of interest really... The classes have been going well (I think) - Geordan has been team teaching in Church History and yesterday was his first session. I loved it. It was really lovely to learn... and - the spiritual formation class is really making people struggle - which is also great (I think!). I baby-sat God-daughter Katie last week, she was ill, and I felt really sorry for her. I changed her nappy but there were no other clothes out for her, and I didn't fancy rooting around for some, so I left her in her vest,and she just curled up and fell asleep in my arms. She is deceptive looking, because she is actually VERY heavy :-) But is was a nice feeling - like she trusted me or something.

Oh - I almost forgot - for those friends who use this to keep track of our house too!! The (slightly crooked) homemade shelves are up - and one set left to go, then the bathroom will be DONE. Hoorah!

And - lastly, for those of you who know that Andrew and I got slightly addicted to LOST... I have had it really. What the HECK is that ending about?!


Blogger Jamie, Julie-Ann, Emily, Joel and Seth said...

Serves you right for getting into LOST. We told you to watch 24 instead and now look what's happened!

3:45 pm  
Blogger Jonny Rotheram said...

Tiss not the beginning of the end, mearly the end of the beginning.

I am addicted to Lost.

My mum's addicted to 24.

and my dad is my dad.

12:13 am  
Blogger iulia and geordan said...

My guess - govt experiment, and perhaps something otherworldly - aliens? Its kind of treasure island meets X files. Love it. That book I was telling you about... Just Peacemaking by Glen H. Stassen.

11:47 am  
Blogger Jonathan Bradshaw said...

Steve's been greedily downloading episodes of series 2 of Lost pretty much as soon as they're broadcasted, you know. Be nice to him and he might make you some CDs of them. I haven't watched many of them yet, but I do know what's inside the hatch. A man called Desmond. That's not all obviously, just a teaser. Personally I can't stop watching The X Files. It's ace because in that programme every conspiracy, legend and paranormal phenomenon is true. Imagine what that would be like.

2:12 am  
Blogger Matthew Francis said...

I really like Confessions.

Great to hear what's up...

11:33 pm  

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