Tuesday, November 08, 2005

3 sleeps to go

(If you can call what I'm doing at the moment sleeping!) And then we move into our new house... Oh my, it is going to be interesting... Currently we have three chairs, a table, some crockery left - the rest of our house is in boxes... It could be quite interesting come Friday! Several friends have offered to help - for which we are thankful! Strong backs and good cheer are welcome! Others will provide me tissues as I say good bye to our/my garden. Exciting, and odd all at the same time. Funny how life does that to you.


Blogger steve tamburello said...

ah do you remember clearing that garage out of yours in the the days before your garden was lovely. how much stuff did we burn that day. more to the point how much of it was suicidal poetry.

9:48 am  
Blogger Jonathan Bradshaw said...

You kept this quiet. Which I gather was your intention. Don't worry I won't share your secret blog, which is afterall black and shady. Appearances can be descriptive. Though if you ever need an audience of snivelling sycophants, I can find one for you. Looks like some of your code needs sorting out for the links in the your sidebar... I'll email you, because if I type the code here you won't see the code. The internet's funny like that.

You're welcome.

11:56 am  
Blogger Matthew Francis said...

I think I might have been there one of those days Steve was mentioning! I definitely remember the sheaves of 'angsty' poetry and I think quite a few asbestos tiles as well. Weren't there neighbourhood kids coming over all the time too?

Wish I was there to lend a hand lugging boxes & furniture.

4:58 pm  
Blogger erdreid said...

Ahh yes, those days - you're right about it all - ginger headed kids, asbestos, deep poetry - and remember the hair-singeing flames! Ahh, good times, good times.

5:34 pm  
Blogger Jamie, Julie-Ann, Emily, Joel and Seth said...

Hopefully this move will be remembered with more positive things! We really look forward to helping you get into your new place. Have you hired a van or anything?
Do we need to bring painting clothes too?

7:49 pm  

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